Thursday, April 26, 2007

SEIU on Private Equity

SEIU (Service Employees International Union) issued a cautionary and sobering report on private equity this week. "The private equity buyout industry, armed with more than a half-trillion dollars of capital, is today engineering financial deals that together are larger than the annual budgets of most of the world’s countries. This financial juggernaut is generating hefty returns to its investors, extraordinary riches for its executives, and newly relevant questions about the impact of its business practices on American workers, businesses, communities, and the nation. "

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007

More on the Private Equity Bubble

When private equity firms like the Blackstone Group start marking plans to “go public”, it’s a sure sign we’re at the top of that market. Even the firms themselves acknowledge it, as this memo penned by Bill Conway, one of the founders of private equity juggernaut the Carlyle Group, demonstrates.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Housing Bubble - Act 1

Like all speculative bubbles, fraud appears have been a bigger part of the housing boom than any casual observer imagined. The Washington Post reports on that sham mortgages appear to have been an epidemic in recent year, particularly in the high-end market. One frightening statistic cited: Mortgage fraud is up 10-fold since 2000. “Many experts have concluded that the nation's real estate boom of recent years was fueled in part by weakened lending standards that sparked excessive demand and drove up prices. Now, some are worried that the looser standards may have permitted a boom of another kind -- a big expansion of mortgage fraud… As more of these cases come to light around the nation, the question is: How much did an epidemic of fraud contribute to the frenzied housing market of recent years?”